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鑫鉅國際有限公司 成立於1979年,是經營有關珠寶,及貴金屬加工材料,生產設備,檢測儀器的進出口及生產製造商。從先前的代理歐美的自動設備,到今天自主生產出口已近30年經驗。
隨著歐盟有關Rosh/WEEE的法令規定,在電子電器等產品中的金屬、塑膠、玻璃、油漆、陶瓷等材質在新的RoHS指令中的五種元素(Cd.Pb.Hg. Br. Cr.)六種物質(鉛.鎘.汞.六價鎘.聚溴化聯苯醚)等有毒有害物質含量的規定,本公司已由歐盟提供六種物質的標準樣本,及已在2005年研發成功出符合RoHS法令規定的快速無損及精確檢測儀器。機行為SCL-MARS/X。X射線螢光光譜分析儀。
Senjiuh INTERNATIONAL Co.,Ltd was established in 1979. We are engaged in supply, processing of various Jewellery,Precious metals , as well as manufacturing ,trading(Import & Export )of Materials ,production equipments ,and measuring & testing instruments for related industries. From our primary years in representing European , USA Automatic machinery to nowadays we are mainly manufacturing& exporting and have had near 30 years of professional experience in the field.
We have had 14 years of experience in measuring &testing instruments . From X-Ray the 1st generation GOLD Analyzer, till current the 4th generation ,Precious Metals and Metal Analyzer ,We already sold over than 2000 sets in the world.This record means we take the market shared in Asia about 80%.
To comply with the of RoHS&WEEE in European Union, we focus on the requirements of maximum concentration values of the hazardous substances which on the electrical and electrical equipment are:metal ,plastics , glass , paint and ceramics . etc.there are 5 elements: Cd , Pb , Hg , Br , Cr and 6 substances : Cd , Pb , Hg , CrVI , PBB , PBDE.
In 2005 our company already successfully developed the instruments based on 6 sets standard samples of 6 hazardous substances provided by European Union , we can afford to correctly ,quickly measure , test the items in complying with the RoHS. The Model Number is SCL-MARS/X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analyzer.